Fall 2016 Events

Shana Tova Kol Haverim Members and Friends! As the summer comes to an end, the Kol Haverim Board was busy planning another great year of programs and holiday celebrations. We are happy to present you this schedule of events for the Fall 2016. We look forward to seeing you at our events!

Fall 2016 Events Calendar


Community Passover Seder 2016 with Kol Haverim

Kneidel soupSunday, April 24  / Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Road (map) / 4pm

Dear Kol Haverim Members and Friends,

Please join us for 2016 Kol Haverim Community Passover Seder. This year’s Seder will feature celebratory music by “Mel & Sol” (our much-beloved Will Fudeman and David Frumkin). There will be a traditional non-Kosher Passover dinner of brisket, Middle-eastern vegetable stew, and rice (catered by Ba-Li Cravings of Ithaca) along with Roger’s “famous” vegetarian matzo-ball soup, as well as plenty of wine, juice, gefilte fish, matzo, charoset and hard boiled eggs.  We ask members to bring a side-dish, salad or dessert.

Reservations are required: $38 for non-member adults, $20 for member adults, $10 for children ages 4-13. Children 4 and under are free.

To reserve a place for your family, please send a check to Kol Haverim, Passover Seder, P.O. Box 4972, Ithaca, N.Y. 14852-4972. Also please email us at holidays@kolhaverim.net as soon as you know so we can get a decent attendance estimate as early as possible.

Please make your reservations by Friday, April 15.

We hope everyone can attend. Please spread the word!

Purim 2016 with Kol Haverim

Purim Hamantashm

Saturday, Mar 26 2016 / Just Be Cause, (map) / 2pm –4pm

Enjoy the Kol Haverim family production of the Purim Spiel and enter in the Hamantaschen contest!  Come in costume, or come as you are.  Cheer on Esther and Mordechai and boo the nefarious Haman.  We have plenty of groggers to go around, or make one yourself at the craft table.

Hamantaschen will be judged in three categories: prettiest, most unique, and best overall. Time to pull out Bubbie’s recipe box or point your browser at epicurious.com and show off your baking prowess!

Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Free and open