Kol Haverim offers a variety of activities and programs. We welcome all types of families, including those with mixed religious backgrounds. See all of our program listings on the Calendar page.
Our varied evening programs often include a humanistic shabbat ceremony and dinner.
The Society For Humanistic Judaism has expressed an ideal: the freedom and dignity of the Jewish people must go hand in hand with the freedom and dignity of every human being. In order to manifest this ideal, the Kol Haverim works toward Tikkun Olam, the repair of the world.
In keeping with our humanistic values, many members of Kol Haverim donate their time to helping others and making our community a better place to live. As a group, Kol Haverim sponsors community service events each year that our members can participate in together.
For additional information contact the Programs Committee chair at programs@kolhaverim.net
Note: For information on holiday celebrations, including Shabbat, please see our Holidays page.